Thursday, July 07, 2011

Strawberry baked oatmeal

I've never been much of an oatmeal fan. I've never really liked the flavor (or lack there of) and it's texture. But as I've been trying to think of less expensive alternatives for breakfast (instead of always eating box cereal), I've slowly but surely been trying to give oatmeal a second chance.

Well, I came across a blueberry baked oatmeal recipe on a blog the other day and decided to give it a chance. I loved it! I did change several things in it. For instance, I used strawberries instead of blueberries. I used heavy whipping cream instead of yogurt (yeah, that's right!). And I didn't have enough brown sugar, so I added some honey as well.

In addition to the flavor, another thing I liked about this recipe is that it's a one-time deal. I prepare it, eat some of it, and place the rest in the fridge. The next morning all I have to do is serve my bowl and stick it in the microwave. No dirty pans.


Anonymous said...'s great for the milk supply once you start nursing that baby! Good one L! I'm going to use this recipe too - looks yummy. :)

karina Huchim Sel said...

I love oak but lalo doesn't allow me to eat so much of it, so I will use ur recipe for special days :) have u tried it with vanilla?? Maybe u like it if u try with a little of it.

Anonymous said...