Tuesday, March 04, 2014

6 months

Once again, better late than never--

Baby Byron's six-month Johnny Bear picture.

My handsome boy!

Six-month check-up numbers:
Weight:  17 lbs 10 oz (55%)
Length:  26 5/8 inches (50%)
Head size:  17.5 in (80%)

As you can tell, we make very average-size children (Emma is very average as well).


OMA said...

QUE GUAPO es mi NIETO!!! Estoy muy entusiasmada con las dos fotos!! Me haces una copia de la con Johnny Bear? ES FATASTICO. Que bonito sweater tiene puesto, con esa sonrisa tan G R A N D E. Se ve super chulo con los ojotes. Que chistosa que su cabeza es tan grande en las medidas!! ha ha Que lindo, que lindo, que lindo es Baby Byron. Un abrazo de lejos para un bebe que extrano.

OMA said...

THESE ARE DARLING OF YOU. I have to get copies. I hope your mommmy sends one to your great-Gram. You are "mi rey" with your green sweater and that big smile.
Be a good boy this week.