Saturday, July 19, 2014

Fig picking with friends

Our friends Anna and Aaron have this HUGE fig tree in the back of their hard.  It takes hours for them to just keep up with the fruit (last week alone, they harvested 70 lbs worth of figs).  

In an attempt to help them keep up with the tree before the fruit flies take over their yard for the remainder of the summer, they have opened up their backyard to whoever wants to come pick their fruit, in exchange for a small donation that will be put towards the missionaries our Sunday School supports (if you would like to participate in this, please let me know and I can hook you up with them.  They would be thrilled to have extra helping hands).

Anyway, we decided we would go have fun with them, along with another mutual couple-friend of ours.

Lovely Anna and her baby.

Yes, Julie is pregnant and on the ladder :)

4 lbs worth of figs for us!

Our Little Man having so much fun.
 We then had a picnic dinner with our friends--
Fig pizza, fruit, carrots, and fig cookies :)

Figs, goat cheese, basil, and prosciutto pizza-- very gourmet, and very good.

Emma and her little friends.

I do love these ladies.


MOM said...

HOW AWESOME! So glad I also got to see BB and Emma too!!! I'll try to show these to Gram early tomorrow morning. It seems to be a good way to start another day here at the hospital. XX00

MOM said...

HOW AWESOME! So glad I also got to see BB and Emma too!!! I'll try to show these to Gram early tomorrow morning. It seems to be a good way to start another day here at the hospital. XX00

MOM said...

HOW AWESOME! So glad I also got to see BB and Emma too!!! I'll try to show these to Gram early tomorrow morning. It seems to be a good way to start another day here at the hospital. XX00