Sunday, June 24, 2012


It's amazing what kinds of things will produce such time consuming entertainment for a 10 month old.

Take a look at what kept Emma busy this morning while mommy and daddy got ready for church --


Note to our faithful reader:  Emma has successfully managed to pull our camera off it's resting place and onto the floor.  The lens is broke!  Hopefully we'll be able to fix it without having to pay an arm and a leg for it.  Therefore, not sure how many posts I'll be doing until then.


  1. Oh my gosh, so funny! I have a pitcure of Will doing that but didn't have the guts to put it up! He had our floor covered, he was enjoying the colors:-) Hope yall are staying cool!

  2. What a soft, sweet face so intent on what she is doing. I love Emma Girl. I can see she is going to be a stinker this summer.
