Thursday, June 21, 2012

10 months

Emma is 10 months old today!  

Emma and Johnny Bear <3

Posing with JB is becoming harder and harder to capture.  This month, instead of chewing on him like she has in the recent past, she decided to hug and snuggle with him.

What has she been up to this past month, you ask?
* She points at things with her index finger.  I am not sure how or where she learned this, unless I do it without realizing it.  
* She claps her hands.  So sweet!  I have somehow translated "Patty Cake" into Spanish and I sing it with her when she begins to clap:
Patty Cake, Patty Cake, Panadero
Preparame un pan lo mas rapido que puedas
Aplanalo, moldealo, y ponle una E
Y metelo al horno para Emma girl y mami
* Aunt Amber has introduced me to smoothies to help me get my fruits and vegetables for the day.  To my amazement, Emma cannot get enough of it!  She is always wanting to sip out of my cup when I am having one.
* She is just now starting to get into animal noises.  She'll say "hoo, hoo" when she sees her toy Doggie. 
* I use to have her wear hair bows all.the.time.  She'd even wear them while she napped.  Now, each time I try to put a bow in her hair she immediately pulls it off and hands it back to me as if saying: "Mama, I think you forgot something."
* She is getting two more bottom teeth.
* She is no longer eating baby food.  She'll still eat it once in a while, but not often.  She would much rather eat what mommy and daddy are having than enjoying her own special food.  Hey, as long as she keeps this up, I don't see a reason to complain :) (I dread a picky eater)

And on to some more pictures of today...

Emma only gets her pacifier when she is in her crib, which has turned out to be a wonderful blessing!  Having said that, she has discovered where I hide it when she is not using it - under her changing table.  So if I loose sight of her for just one second, she'll go straight to her room, pull this little basket and find her paci.  And straight to her mouth it goes!  Today was no exception.

Cousin Levi loves Emma.  He came over today and played with her for a few hours in the morning.  His greatest compliment: "I love her round face."  Hmmm... They are good buddies.  We went to the park near our house and each time he would go down the slide Emma would giggle and giggle at him.

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