Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Time of Truth

I've been a Xtian for about 10 years now. I always thought about myself as a strong and mature one, based on the fact that i always knew and did the right things: i did not randomly date before i got married, i never let the sun go down on my anger, i never swore, i did not own pirated music, i was kind and polite to the people around me, etc. and sadly, i was even proud of myself for being like that (who wouldn't?). I would think of myself as very mature in my Xtian walk when truth was that, even though i have done the right things, there was still LOTS of things i still had to grow in.

This week my school is having us take some intro to Bible classes. Because my school is Xtian and we are going through some international Xtian certification, all teachers have to take this intense course. This course was all it took for God to bring me back to my senses. Our first assignment on the first class was to write all of the books of the Bible, preferably in order. While most teachers where scribbling away, i could not get past the first 12 books of the OT and the first 15 in the NT. Most teachers got them all. I thought to myself "well, who cares about the order of the books, it's no big deal". But the moment of truth came when our instructor had us write what each book was about or what major event happened in each book. I was in shock when even the books i had already read, i didn't really know what they were about.

Then as a group we started to go through them, one by one, saying what they were all about. People started shouting out events, verses, location of the verses -- i knew nothing!!! I didn't even know anything about the Israelites exile after Solomon's kingdom... how sad is that???!!! For a 10 year old Xtian, that is just plain embarrassing.

For most teachers in my school, this is all review, but for me it's all new. I am trying to soak in as much as i can, still knowing i will probably forget most of it. I am purposely reading more and more my Bible and studying it more intentionally. I may have done all the right things in the past, but there is still a part of my Xtian life that is very immature still and i need to grow in it.

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