Friday, July 04, 2008

Staying Strong

It's been almost a week since my friend passed away and life is still going on. I realized that if i wanted to move on with life and not be a moribund, i had to de-attach myself. It sounds insensitive, but it was the only way i could go on with life without wanting to cry/crying like a mad-woman all the time. I think i've reached that point. I am very thankful for my husband who was very understanding and of great encouragement to me. I can't imagine having to be there for your wife as she cries for a guy-friend. But he was great!

I guess i've just dealt with death this past year more than my entire life put together. My dad died, Eduardo died, and Soco (she is like an aunt to me) is currently dieing from cancer. All of these three people cared for me at a particular point in my life. Each meant a lot to me -- some, of course, more than others, but still, their loss is hard enough, but when it's all together, it's just too painful.

But God has been reminding me of His love for me each day. He has given me peace in spite of the challenges he has been having me face.

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