Thursday, July 16, 2015

To the lake with friends

So this is the post where everyone is supposed to be impressed by how awesome of a mom I am.  Of how adventuresome and exciting and unique life is for us.  Truth is, our everyday life is pretty monotonous, but every once in a while (as in once every two years), we'll do something out of the ordinary.

Last week a friend and I took our kiddos to the lake only 30 minutes away from where we live.  The kids had a blast, played with each other, in the sand, in the water, and ate a fun picnic lunch.

On our way.  Happy crew... except the little ones.

Lunch time with friends.

Playing at the beach.

My novio.

My princess.

1 comment:

  1. How cool is that? Only 30 min. away and they probably loved it as much as the ocean!! I noticed you have a different novio. . . or is that BB? The princess I'll bring here to my castle with GATO!!! BTW, this blog was very funny to read because of your dry sense of humor at the beginning!
