Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Asleep on the couch

Trying to sell our house while still living in it has not been as hard on us as I thought it might be.  With an average of one showing per week, it's certainly something I can pull off without driving myself nuts.  

I was informed last Monday at around 9:30 am if our house could be shown at 1:30 pm that afternoon.  At the time, I was keeping a friend's daughter, plus had a friend come with her two boys to hang out.  It was a beautiful and fun morning, but as soon as everyone left, the house needed some serious caring for.

I placed the kids in front of their "drug" (the TV) and put the movie Cars on (their favorite movie).

At around 12:15 pm, this is what I find --

Fell asleep while watching his favorite movie, eating his favorite snack (goldfish) and drinking his favorite drink (milk).  This boy also rarely sleeps in any other place other than his crib.

Needless to say, naps for that day were shot.  And I was quite the tired mama by the time evening rolled around.

So is life while selling a house... crazy!

1 comment:

  1. I can imagine him with alllll his favorites. Little boy, and how I wish I
    could see you now. I've been thinking about you and your house. When you can,
    drop me a line or tell me when I can call you.
