Sunday, April 26, 2015

Ready to be potty trained?

Providence would have it so that our second-born is also ready to be potty trained before the parents are ready for it.  At 20 months he is very aware of when he goes to the bathroom, BEGS to be changed often, and then the other day this is what I found --

"Maaaammmiiiii, Maaaammmmiiiiiii.  Pee pee.  Maaaammmiiii, Mammmmmiiii.  Pee pee." 

He climbed on the toilet and was pretending to go to the potty like his big sister :)

1 comment:

  1. ha ha. He looks pretty happy! And I notice that shell which traveled from Progreso to Merida to Rockford and then to Augusta!!He hasn't broken it!
