Friday, December 05, 2014

Coffee with cousin

A few of us are lucky to have had both a cousin and a friend in one person growing up.  Sihan was mine.  Funny thing is that we mostly only remember our fights, funny stories (mostly involving me saying something odd), and lots of laughter.

Good thing that the fights have ended.  But the laughing at the "naive" things that I say has not.  Our evening out having coffee right before I returned to the States was filled with that-- laughter.  Oh... how I wish I could record some of the things we talked about.  But guess we'll now leave it up to our good memory to remember.

Our dads were two of seven siblings.  Now the only two of the seven who have passed away.  My dad passed away seven year ago, and hers less than two.  I had not seen her since his passing.  It was sweet to be able to share emotions and similar struggles with her in relationship with that.

1 comment:

  1. I remember you eating together at the little table outside of the kitchen on Sundays. At CHI CHI's house EVERY Sunday. Good you stay in touch and laugh!
