Thursday, July 10, 2014

He pulls up

Two weeks ago BB began pulling up.
It's been fun watching him become so much more active since--
Always pulling up on furniture, people (people's legs), wall, etc.

He is still not cruising or standing up on his own, but we know that is just around the corner.

He is also very much a talker!
I like what Memma said--
"Emma better get her talking in now while she can"

Byron's talking (think VERY LOUD and all.the.time)--


1 comment:

  1. OH gosh, he is going to be stinker. Reminds me of when ChiChi would say to you Lauren, "Don't touch", which also seemed more like Spanish, "Don Toch". ha ha. I wish I could buy BB a barrette for his HAIR. Little Emma Girl always had a sweet barrette. What can Oma buy BB now that I am coming?
