Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Cow Appriciation Day 2014

Once again we got to eat free chicken at Chick-fil-a last week for dressing up as cows.  I have slowly accumulated and put together our outfits for us to pull out and use every year for this event.  
I like having family traditions that revolve around food :)

We got up early on Friday morning and enjoyed breakfast with daddy.

Baby Byron's outfit is a size 3-6 mo, so he just wore the top part.

Lovin' his chikin

Barely ate her chicken, but loved her juice.

The kids and I got dressed up again for some free chicken for lunch as well.

It was a satisfying day to say the least!

1 comment:

  1. OHHHH NOOOO, I am cracking up . . first due to the fact that BB is wearing only the top part,due to the fact it is a size 3 - 6 months, but then you actually went back to eat lunch there?!!

    A very funny tradtion. I actually looked forward to see what I would find when I saw the title.
