Sunday, May 25, 2014

On Little Man...

Our Little Man is 9 months old.  And such a gift to us.  

He began crawling for the first time last week.  Emma and I were at our Fancy Nancy birthday party when he took his first moves forward, while alone with Daddy.  

I can't get over him crawling.  He is so fun.  I set him down on the floor, and he goes off exploring.  He crawls into the living room where he finds a ball or two.  Then crawls down into the dining room table or finds Big Sister.  I know it sounds terrible to say, but it's like I have a little doggie just moving about.  He seems to be, for the most part, a pretty independent little fella

His two bottom teeth are completely in.  And loves showing them off!  He is quite the giggler, and put him next to Big Sister, and maaan, he will laugh and squeal the entire time.

He is getting better about eating.  I finally discovered that as long as I mix some applesauce with it, he'll eat just about anything.  This week he ate some spaghetti with meat sauce one day, and lentil soup another day (both mixed with some applesauce).  He also loves a good ripe pear.  I will cut him up some slices in the morning, and he'll gladly feed himself some.

He also likes mozzarella cheese, toast (he will not eat non-toasted bread), cheerios, and veggie straws.

We are starting to teach him to use a sippy cup, and has been pretty good at it.  We normally just put a little water in it.  He likes to imitate Big Sister.

He now takes a bottle and will drink both breast milk and formula.  We don't do this too often, but at least he does take a bottle now!

I plan on beginning to wean him next month when he turns 10 months.  I keep going back and forth with this, since I did nurse Emma for the full 12 months.  But due to a few personal reasons (mostly selfish, but it is what it is), he will more than likely be drinking fully out of a bottle or sippy cup by 10.5 months.

At his nine-month doctor's visit, here are his numbers:

Weight:  19 lbs 13 oz (50%)
Length:  28 inches (25%)
Head size:  18 inches (75%)

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