Friday, January 10, 2014

Bath in the sink.

Here is my dirty little secret-- my baby only gets a bath once a week, at best.  Last time, he went 10 days without a bath.  I know, horrible!  But truth be told, BB doesn't get dirty or sweaty, so why put him through the cold misery of a bath if he doesn't really need it?

We had dinner and Memma & Poppa's last night, and BB got his long-awaited (and much needed at this point) bath.  He got his bath inside the kitchen sink, and did very well.

Of course, when all was finished, our 2.5 year old, though much too big to be doing this, decided she also wanted to take her bath in the sink.  Oh goodness!


  1. Baby Byron and Emma in the tub is the next photo petition! Silly Baby and big Little Girl. Emma looks like Mrs. Morris!! Don't you see it?!

  2. Baby Byron and Emma in the tub is the next photo petition! Silly Baby and big Little Girl. Emma looks like Mrs. Morris!! Don't you see it?!
