Sunday, December 08, 2013

Christmas party

MOPS leadership 2013 Christmas party
I have been incredibly blessed to be part of the ministry of Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) for as long as I've been a mom.  Emma was 2 weeks old when I attended my first meeting in September 2011.

What started as:  "yes, yes... I'll go, I'll go.  But do you then promise you'll stop harassing me with this?" has now become: "I am a better mother, friend, wife, leader and Daughter because of my participation in this incredible ministry."

Last night was our leadership Christmas party.  It is fun to meet (and hang out with) my fellow-serving mama friend's husbands, and enjoy great food and fellowship.  

1 comment:

  1. God bless you. I'm proud of you.
    And what a darling photo.
