Thursday, August 29, 2013

Two week checkup

(No pictures to go along this post -- I need to be better about capturing my little man's moments.  Sorry!)

We had our 2-week checkup this morning and all is well.  Unlike his big sister, Little Byron only lost four ounces after birth before he began gaining weight again.  Here are his numbers:
At birth:
Weight:  7 lbs 1 oz
Length:  19.75 in

Two days later:
Weight:  6 lbs 13 oz

Two weeks later:
Weight:  8 lbs 13 oz -- two full pounds more!
Length:  20.5 in

How are we doing?  Good, not so good, but mostly really good, if that makes any sense.

LB is a sweet, sweet, patient boy.  I don't remember Emma being so chill.  I can put him down on the floor, and aside from some panting and grunting, he will just lay there, happy to watch his mommy and sister mess around.  He hardly every cries (yet!) and is an excellent eater.

He is a night owl!  As in, stay-awake-for-several-hours-in-the-middle-of-the-night night owl.  This is really hard, because he can wake up at 2:30 am, for example, to nurse, but then won't fall back to sleep again until 6 am.  In the meantime, Byron and I take turns getting up to hold him.  As you can imagine, this is taking a toll on us.  But I am thankful for a helping hubby, and since LB is our second, we know this will not last forever (for the first one we had no idea what we were doing or what to expect).  So a little dose of perspective goes a long way.

In spite of the hard nights, we have been blessed with tremendous help!  My mom stayed with us for two weeks, which was a wonderful relief for me.  We have also started receiving meals from friends, and Memma has taken Emma with her for two mornings for me to have some rest time to recover from the previous night.

Byron and I are thankful for our growing family.  We lay in bed at night, smiling at each other, thanking the Lord for our two little ones, honored that He would entrust us with these little ones.


  1. I like to hear about your "little man", or "LB" for short! I wonder which of these will stick with him?

  2. Sweetie,
    You are forgetting the Johnny Bear photos! Wasn't LB one month old 3 days ago? Maybe you haven't uploaded the 2 boys yet!! I'm so anxious to see them together!!!
