Friday, August 16, 2013

Emma's pool party

We celebrated Emma's second birthday last Saturday, August 10.  We invited a number of her little friends to a fish-themed pool party.  We had a great time celebrating our little girl's second year of life.

One of the few posed pictures we have of our afternoon.

Fun with Daddy.

Oma came in the night before, just in time for Emma's party.

Emma and good friend Thomas.
Fun in the pool.

I had a lot of fun baking and decorating Emma's fish cake (thank you Pinterest for the idea!)

 Emma was more thrilled eating the m&m's on the cake, than eating the cake itself.
Opening her gifts.  This picture makes my heart melt.

Only family was left when we began opening gifts.


  1. Again, this was fun to read. The last photo is so cute of all of you. Emma's cake was gorgeous and better yet, super YUMMY. Fun, fun day!!

  2. Again, this was fun to read. The last photo is so cute of all of you. Emma's cake was gorgeous and better yet, super YUMMY. Fun, fun day!!
