Thursday, July 18, 2013

Morning breakfast

When describing Emma's eating habits, I would not quite describe her as "picky" as much as "inconsistent."  One day she'll eat a full serving of broccoli and act as if she can't get enough of it, and then next day she won't even touch it.  Breakfast is no exception.  I feel like we are continually changing our breakfast choices.  These days I've been making her some diced fruit and a heart-shaped pancake with peanut butter and pasas - raisins (I use a heart-shaped cookie cutter to cut the already pre-made pancake).  This was too cute of a plate to let it go unnoticed:

Fruit is still a favorite of hers, especially if it's in the shape of balls.  She likes to play with her food -- she'll line the food and call it a "choo-train."  We are about to finish our pancake batch this week.  I wonder what our next breakfast of choice will be for the next couple of days...


  1. So cute! I always said that about Will, one day he might want asparagus over a cookie, the next a cookie and so on! He went through picky at about 2.5 years but over the last 6 months has started eating almost anything including hummus, carrots, and full pieces of broccoli!

  2. OMA, the visitor1:22 AM

    ha ha . . In 2 days I get to see this first hand!
