Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Out on a date

Byron's parents gave us a date night on Friday night while at the beach.  We enjoyed dinner at Page's Okra Grill in Mout Pleasant, then dessert and coffee in Charleston.  

We had gone to Page's Okra Grill with our friends the Kellys last fall for our anniversary trip, and tried their breakfast then.  We enjoyed it so much, Byron and I decided we wanted to try their dinner.  It was INCREDIBLE!  Highly recommend their southern-style food.  I indulged myself with a hamburger, topped with pulled pork, bacon strips and fried onion rings, with a side of french fries.

Byron had a smoked prime rib, with a loaded baked potato and a side salad.

At the front of the restaurant.

Then out for dessert in Charleston, where we enjoyed a triple-berry cobbler and some delicious coffee drinks.  A night to remember!