Monday, June 17, 2013

Is it time to potty train?

Emma's good friend Julia and her parents are moving to Atlanta.  Julia's mom delivered an extra potty this morning she had no use for.  I placed it in the living room while I prepared lunch, wondering what I should do with it until I began potty training Emma in a few months after her brother was born.

Well, as soon as lunch was over, Emma headed to the potty and began messing around with it.  I then thought it would be cool to put it in the bathroom next to mommy and daddy's potty and have her play with it.  Before I knew it, my child was removing her shorts and diaper off.  She then proceeded to sit on her potty for the following 45 minutes or so. 

I have not educated myself on potty training, so I had no idea what to do.  After what seemed to be a long time, nothing was happening, but she refused to get off the potty.  I then recalled a picture I have from when I was being potty trained -- I had a bottle of juice.  Emma never drinks juice, so I thought this would be an easy way to get fluids in her system and hopefully hurry the potty-process up.  She was delighted with her watered-down grape juice.

 We eventually brought in reinforcements -- Bunny, books, music, etc.  Here she is "reading" through her Toddlerobics book she loves and can more or less repeat certain parts of it.

She did eventually go potty, of which she was very proud of.  All this just in time for nap time.  As soon as she woke from her nap, she asked to go potty again.  She sat on her potty a total of 4 different times today.  She only did potty in it that first time.  I can safely say we sat on that toilet for well over 2 hours today.

On a separate note, but related to "milestones" worth recording, here are a few we want to be able to remember:

-  Mommy and Daddy apparently smooch a lot, because Emma, out of nowhere, will take two animal cracker fish, have them face each other at the mouth, and make kissing sounds.  We did not teach her this.
-  She knows what "dos" (two) represents.  Randomly, she will take two things and say:  "dos peces," "dos beans," "dos sticks," "dos hot dogs," etc.


  1. VERY FUN TO READ! I've been looking for photos every day, but this was worth the wait. A good narrative about a toilet! ha ha. A total of 2 hours? ha ha. I'm so glad I SKYPED with you yesterday. It was a big surprise for me to see the screen unfold to Emma sitting on her potty chair! THANKS for the smiles I got from all of this.

  2. VERY FUN TO READ! I've been looking for photos every day, but this was worth the wait. A good narrative about a toilet! ha ha. A total of 2 hours? ha ha. I'm so glad I SKYPED with you yesterday. It was a big surprise for me to see the screen unfold to Emma sitting on her potty chair! THANKS for the smiles I got from all of this.

  3. Anonymous3:47 PM

    best stage i LOVED potty training my kids especilly when wifey was out, getting to play with my sonscock and suck it, eeling my girlspussy's, licking them clean, having them touch me, had a ton of fun with their panties too and still enjoy the youngst ones, love wearing them too, single now so easy to take her panties and wear them all the time
