Saturday, June 08, 2013


Few things bring me as much joy as watching my little girl enjoy her books.  Coming from a line of teachers, reading was always an important part of our upbringing.  The desire to pass that along to our children is strong, for which Byron and I have tried to be very purposeful in instilling this with Emma.

I am not as good as I would like to be at this, but I try to set a certain amount of time each day to sit and read to Emma.  It finally took flight about 2 months ago when all of the sudden Emma could not be read to enough.  We started going to the public library about once a week, during which I let her choose some books, fill up our bag, read a few there if we are not in a hurry, check out some for myself (I normally have them waiting for me on hold), check them out and head out.

Emma enjoys coming home and flipping through them on her own.  After our library visit this week, while I was busy in the kitchen getting ready for supper, I began wondering where Emma had gone.  I looked into the living room to find my child content with her Bunny and Pom, comfortably sitting on the sofa, "reading" through her selection.  


  1. She looks very content reading her books. Now this is cause for celebration! Wonderful! (for both mom and child :-)) We also LOVE going to the library every week and then Gemma spends the rest of the day (and next) carefully pulling the books out of the bag and "reading" through them by herself.

  2. This is hugely funny. Here is Emma's "baby" side with her POM and yet she also has a "big girl" look because she is reading her books! Silly girl!! I wonder why she wants POM so much lately. How can she say all her neat WORDS when she looks at the beautiful illustrations!
