Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Our little Bunny

Later on Easter morning, we found Emma's Easter basket from Memma and Poppa filled with Emma's favorites -- Bunny related things.  A stuffed bunny, bunny stickers, a bunny hat for her baby brother, a chocolate bunny, bunny toothpaste, and the greatest hit of all....

......  bunny ears!!!!!!!!!

Emma wore her bunny ears all day.  Needless to say, she was a hit!  We even had strangers come up to me asking if they could take a picture of her :)

We had an Easter egg hunt at church.  Here she is with two of her most favorite friends -- "Mas" (Thomas) and "Ju" (Julia).

Emma and Julia.

Oh!  And have we mentioned that Oma is in town visiting this week?  More pictures of Emma/Oma time to come!!!

Morris cousins.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Emma is precious Lauren!

  3. Emma and Ames in their coordinated bunny outfits from Mema are very cute together. You have so many of her pretty dress and ears. I have one you didn't upload which is my favorite of her with her.

  4. Emma and Ames in their coordinated bunny outfits from Mema are very cute together. You have so many of her pretty dress and ears. I have one you didn't upload which is my favorite of her with her.

  5. Ahh! These are so cute!! Thanks for keeping a blog. It makes me feel like I know A LITTLE about what's going in y'alls world.
