Saturday, March 16, 2013


Emma's latest favorite thing to do is color.  If you were to come to our home unexpectedly, you will more than likely see a crayon or two in her hand.  She likes to sit and color with mommy (especially when mommy is doing her quiet time -- Emma gets to color in mommy's journal when mommy is using it), or color on her coloring book or notebook.  Though no crayon marks have yet to be found on the walls, we have identified a number of them on the floor, glider and window glasses.  But what a special hobby to develop at such a young age! 

Here is a picture of her coloring on the breakfast table while mommy is getting dinner ready.

1 comment:

  1. hmm. . .funny how this time your English made me smile. ."window glasses". . . The NEWS OF HER marking up things sounds like she is becoming a little STINKER!! I am surprised she doesn't break those thin crayons, or peel the paper off them. Beginning with the fat crayons is what we used to do.

    I remember sitting at my little table in our den coloring with my sister. It is SO FUN. Oma would like to be a little girl again.
