Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

We had a great time celebrating Valentine's Day with our little family last week.  I woke up early and ran to Krispy Kreme (in my PJs, must I add) to get us some sweet treats for breakfast.

We enjoyed each others company, opened our cards, and had some yummy heart-shaped doughnuts.  Later that evening, we opened some more cards and gifts that came in the mail that day.  Thanks to all for all the yummy cookies and candy!!!

Emma had more fun taking the sprinkles off the doughnut than actually eating eat.  No worries, though -- mommy ate anything and everything this little girl left behind.

Opening her card from daddy.

Emma LOVES stickers!  She enjoyed peeling the stickers off the envelopes to putting them all over her hands and face.  I have an old stash of stickers from which I take some out of every once in a while.  She loves sticking them on her face, hands and shirt.  After a while she'll realize they are no longer any good and say:  "trash" and walk over to the trash can and throw them away (Emma loves to throw things in the trash).

1 comment:

  1. ha ha. . . funny to read about the stickers and then ¨trash¨.

    Certainly looks good to have all those cards, candy and doughnuts.
