Thursday, February 21, 2013

Blue crayons

Emma is normally very good about following me around the house while I do some chores.  She really likes hangers, so one of her favorite things to do to "help" me when I am folding laundry is hand me the hangers.  She'll stand right next to me holding about half a dozen hangers at a time and hand them to me one by one:  "mowe, mowe," she'll say.

Earlier this week I was folding laundry in our bedroom, and Emma decided she would play with the bag of crayons instead.  We normally don't give it to her in fear that she'll make a big mess with them (she likes to chew on them, for example), but for the sake of keeping her busy, I let her play with them for a little to keep her occupied.  She was being very quiet behind me, and when I turned around, this is what I found:

My little girl was intentionally taking all the blue crayons out.  This is really the first time I've noticed her making any sort of associations with anything, especially noticing patterns in colors.  I am sure this is a milestone children hit right about now, so I decided to record it.

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