Monday, December 03, 2012


This is not the most flattering picture of my little girl, but it does the job!  I think Emma thinks she is a bird or something, because every once in a while, if I loose sight of her, I'll find her in the laundry room sitting on the clothes basket, as if sitting on her eggs, minding her own business. 

A few new words we hear her say:  "bowl," "shoe," "chhhh" (for Cheeries), "moon," "chu chu" (for train), "Jo Jo" (for Uncle Joseph), and "beep beep" (as if imitating a car honking).  

Of course, English continues to be her language of choice, but she has added a new word to her Spanish: "po po" (in reference to a B.M.).  We are trying to teach her to tell us she has done number 2 as soon as it happens.

She had her 15-month doctor's appointment last Monday.  Here are her numbers:

Weight:  23 lbs 1 oz (52%)
Length:  31 in (60%)
Head size:  18.5 in (80%)

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