Saturday, December 08, 2012

Emma meets Santa

Though we don't do Santa at our home, we thought it'd be fun to take Emma to meet him this morning at Chick-fil-a.  We met some friends there for breakfast and enjoyed some time with each other, which is a luxury these days due to A's crazy resident schedule. 

Emma was very shy and would get very upset if we even attempted to sit her on Santa's lap, so this was the best we could do.

The daddies and their babies.

Emma can say one word in Maya (the native language from my hometown), and that is tuch (bellybutton).  She now enjoys pointing people's tuch, in particular, mommy and daddy's.  But today at breakfast we found Emma trying to find Thomas'.  (Notice her lips sticking out as she says it).


  1. OMA and Gato5:54 PM

    HOW PRETTY AND SILLY my EMMA GIRL IS WITH SANTA! I love what looks to be an old-fashioned dress with the huge bow!! The other photos with "tuch" are a riot!! We really enjoyed reading about that new word/interest! Can't forget to comment on the darling daddy photo. Why is Byron always so photogenic?

    Well, Oma and Gato want to take Emma to the RIDES when she comes. She can go round and round on the carrousel and the little cars just like her mommmy used to do. I had thought about finding a Santa for fun, but maybe that is not a good idea. WHAT A FUNNY STORY AND PHOTO ABOUT THAT DAY!!!!! THANKS FOR SHARING ALL THESE PRECIOUS MOMENTS WITH US.

  2. hahaha :) i love tuch! and you can definitely see her little lips poking out...she is a darling christmas elf!
