Thursday, October 18, 2012


I have a confession to make -- I have an addiction.  A real addiction!  I am not kidding.

Every day of my life since I was a junior in high school, I have carried chapstick with me.  It has gotten so out of control I even sleep next to it in case I wake in the middle of the night and need some.  Byron calls it my "life line."

Well, it seems as if Emma has become dependent of it as well.  She signs for it all the time by placing her finger over her mouth and moving it around her lips.  She will "put" it on herself (by sticking half the stick in her mouth) and then will "put" some on mommy and daddy as well.

These are some pics I took this afternoon of her crawling and messing around with it.  I love the third picture b/c is shows how she carefully stood it on the chair while keeping her balance on her feet.  (On a side note, today was the first day we have noticed her standing on her own a lot.  I hope this means we'll have a walker sooner than later).

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