Sunday, September 23, 2012

In Athens

We went to visit my sister in Athens this past Saturday.  It had been over two months since we'd last seen her.  She had won a $50 gift card a while back to an oriental restaurant and wanted to use it to treat us out.  So sweet!

We enjoyed our meal together, while Emma enjoyed ignoring hers.  By the end of our time there, 80% of her food was on the floor along with three torn us napkins.  *sigh*

 Being the geniuses that we are, though we paid our parking meter one hour worth of time, we did not set it up correctly and ended getting a $10 ticket for it.  

Tia Alison welcomed Emma girl with a sweet welcoming sign in Spanish.

It was a fun trip!  Glad to get to spend time with my lil' sis.

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