Sunday, August 26, 2012

Playing in crib

We put a video camera inside of Emma's room, not because we needed it, but because we were curious. She is (for the most part) over her cry-in-crib spells, and will normally play in it if she wishes not to sleep. I am okay with that. 

So here are two videos (both under a minute each) of Emma playing alone in her crib. Enjoy! 

1 comment:

  1. OH, do more of these!! They are too short. I watched both twice. Emma girl is so BIG now. I think that is bunny she pulled off the side of the crib, isn't it? I would love to see one of her talking to her bunny after she naps. Possible? Remember how I wanted to sneak in on her in Rockford, and you put up the sign, "Do NOT enter. No exceptions".
