Saturday, August 04, 2012

Bath time!

It's official, Emma's first word is: "bath time!"  It sounds more like:  "aaiiittt aaaiiiimmm."

Very few things get her as excited as hearing her daddy say:  "baaaaath tiiiiiiime!!!  bath time for a little giiiiirl!"  She loves splishing and splashing in the bath tub, crawling from one side to the other, and playing with her letters.  Tonight we even got to squeeze some spelling lessons into this time.


  1. LOVE this pic! Makes me miss those rolls on my babies!

    I've been blog hopping and was super excited to stumble across a familiar face! :)

  2. This is really silly! I expected to see a very happy face and instead I see her "/bushki/"!! How funny! I have to bring Gram to see this. E M M A !!

    I loved hearing that this is her first phrase or words when we last spoke on the phone. Really, wasn't "/da da/" the real first word"?
