Saturday, July 07, 2012

Pointing fingers

Playing under the kitchen table with the insides of her diaper bag.

Since Emma was about a few months old, I began trying to teach her sign language.  But between English, Spanish and sign language, it was just too much for me to handle.  Every once in a while I'll still remember to sign something, but not too often.

But who needs sign language when you can use your finger to point at EVERYTHING you want?  From Cheerios, to her bowl of food, water, napkin, book, toy, you name it...

When I take her to childwatch at the Kroc Center or the nursery at church, the ladies who help will comment on how she spent most of her time pointing at her diaper bag:  "she knows her own diaper bag!" they say.  They dig thru it to find what she wants.  Sometimes it's the Cheerios, sometimes it's a diaper change, and sometimes they give give it to her just to play with.

1 comment:

  1. OH, NO! QUE LINDA ESTA!! This is my favorite photo!! I absolutely love the P.J. photos, but this one is tops! I´d like a copy of this for a frame, so I can gaze at this little stinker under the kitchen table. The entry was well-written and funny too. I cannot WAIT to see my little Emma Girl using her finger to point at what she wants.
    :) :)
