Wednesday, July 25, 2012

One year celebration while still 11 months old

While at my grandmother's this past week, we decided to celebrate Emma's first birthday so that Oma and Great-Gram could enjoy this special time with us.  We wanted to make a strawberry cake, but a fuse went out the night we planned on preparing it and left us with no oven, no stove, no microwave and no AC for 24 hours.  All that to say, it took some convincing, but we eventually ended up just buying a grocery store cake.  It was very good.  Just ask Emma, she can tell you herself what she thought of it :)

My mom brought a princess candle from Mexico to go on the cake.  One of the first things Emma did when the cake came out was stick her hand in it.  *Sigh*  Of course, once she tasted the frosting, she wanted nothing to do with anything else.  We sang and opened gifts before we let her enjoy her first slice of cake... ever!

My mom really, really, REALLY wanted to give her a dolly for her first birthday, but (1) she never found one she liked, and (2) I told her I thought Emma was still too young to enjoy one.  Instead, she got her a pink, fussy giraffe Emma already loves.

Great-Gram gave her two books.  Here she is opening them.

And now she is flipping through them.

Emma will be one year old in less than one month.  Time really does fly by.

1 comment:

  1. This time I will reply here!

    What fun memories of Emma's first birthday and her finger in the icing! I think that photo of her sitting alone does not do justice to her messy face!! We need to really see how much frosting she has smeared above her sweet lips and on her chin. I hope P-Thhhhh is with her for many, many years!! It was so fuzzy.
