Thursday, July 05, 2012

4th of July and pig tails

We spent Emma's first 4th of July and Memma and Poppa's house.  We left the house early and spent all afternoon there.  Emma took a long nap while daddy helped with some outside work and I helped in the kitchen and then relaxed on the sofa.

I had been holding on to this 4th of July outfit someone handed down to us.  Daddy had to first approve of the outfit since it had spaghetti straps :) :)

This is what Emma looked like before we left --

Memma took out her comb and rubber bands and gave Emma her fist set of pig tails.

Emma knows she cannot just sit around and do nothing while she is at her grandparents' house, she has to help!  So she decided to go through all of their magazines and books :)

We still haven't replaced our camera lens, so we are using our point-and-shoot camera in the meantime.  The picture quality is much lower and moments seem harder to capture.  But something is better than nothing, right?


  1. She is such a BIG GIRL with her RW&B outfit and jeans! The pigtails are so cute! I remember when you were about this age Lauren. You took all the sacks out of Gram´s bottom kitchen drawer. You were a doll at this age. I can´t wait to see Emma in one week!

  2. Little girls can't go to Memma's house too often and not get pigtails!

  3. So cute, miss you guys. If the shirt or dress is strappy I put a onesie on underneath for L.
