Tuesday, May 22, 2012

She eats!

Avocado and mango... yum!

It's been a bit of a roller coaster ride in regards with eating with Emma.  It took her a few weeks to even be willing to eat more than a tablespoon worth of solids.  Then she was a picky eater.  I would serve her mushed up beans with some mushed veggies on the side and she wanted nothing to do with it.  Then I came across Dr. Denmark's mush and began making my own version of it (same thing, minus the banana).  She liked it!  And she's been eating that twice a day for about a month now.

Then recently (as in past few days) she has been unwilling to finish her serving, but will eat endless amounts of finger food if placed in front of her.  She seems to be independent that way - she wants to feed herself.  So I think this is the direction we are headed towards now.  I will try to continue giving her the mush (since I have countless ice cubes of baby food still in the freezer), but will be giving her more and more of finger food.

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