Thursday, May 31, 2012

The doctor says...

Emma had her 9 month doctor's appointment today.  She was her usual sweet, sweet self during her checkup, and even waved the receptionist goodbye when we left.

And her numbers are --

Weight:  19 lbs 13 oz (70%)
Length:  27.5 in (50%)
Head size:  17.25 in (50%)

Dr. Miller is not only Emma's doctor, but he also was Byron's doctor growing up (as well the doctor of all four of his siblings).  After the appointment, Byron wondered if Emma's been the smallest Morris he'd seen :p  Silly daddy!  :)

Sorry I don't have a picture to go along this post.  For some odd reason the camera has not been out lately.  Plus, I am extremely tired these days!  As soon as Emma began sleeping through the night my energy level dropped.  Crazy, I know...

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