Thursday, March 15, 2012

Fridge Challenge

Byron once told me that if I ever did a pantry challenge, he would go out to Outback and spend all of the money I would have saved on groceries on a single steak meal. Well... okay Honey, let's do that!

You see, Masters week is just 3 weeks away, and though our house is not rented out yet, we are going to pretend that it is in hopes that when it does get rented, we are not frantically trying to get things ready last minute. And well... as of today, my fridge and freezer look like this:

Our guests won't be too impressed if they open the freezer and find ziplock bags of full of frozen cooked brown rice, cheddar cheese, cooked black beans, veggies, cooked shredded chicken, bread... need I go on? You get the point. Our fridge is not all that promising either.

So this is my plan: To clear out my fridge and freezer by Masters week, and when there is no more food to eat at home, we go out to Outback for dinner. Yay!


  1. Ack, I so need to do this, too!

  2. I like that positive attitude and humor!



    may help you in this goal. Search by ingredients you already have in your kitchen. I usually find good recipes there :).
