Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Emma's wants...

Emma is developing quite the personality these days. Between teething and realizing that fussing for things means that she'll eventually get them, I am daily asking the Lord for wisdom as to how to raise my little girl to be patient and kind.

In the meantime, more pictures of Emma wanting, grabbing, and chewing on things other than her toys.

"Mama, I think some cake batter is lacking here."

"Memma, I don't need your help. I can hold this book all on my own. You see... I'm a big girl now."

1 comment:

  1. D A R L I N G. I love the comments! ". . . . the batter is missing!! . . . ."I can hold the book alone"!! I feel chills alllll over seeing these photos of my Little Emma Girl. Lucky Memma can hold her every week!!! So much love. . .
