Friday, October 07, 2011

Stay at home mom

The lovely view out my window that reminds me of being a mom.

Being a stay at home mom (SAHM) was never something I dreamed of becoming as a grown up. I was never the girl who when asked what she wanted to be when she grew up responded: "to be a mom."

I am a third generation teacher, love to teach and love what I teach. I have always been on the go, getting things done, getting things cleaned, going places, etc. So as you would expect, changing that way of life has been somewhat of a learning process.

But one of the things that has given me peace about being a SAHM is that I view this way of life as a job in itself. I wake up each morning, get dressed and ready for the day. I have even chosen to use cloth diapers, not only because I am saving money and helping the environment, but also because I feel that that is part of being a mom - work! When Emma cries and becomes fussy, I do my best not to get upset but remind myself that this is why I stay at home - to care for her. This is my job! If I wasn't doing it, somebody else would be doing it for me, and I would be paying them!

1 comment:

  1. Yo recuerdo como me gustaba ver mi tendedero de ropa.. en realidad igual disfrutaba ver la ropa tan pequeñita.. la escoraba.. e inconscientemente aun que mi bebe tiene dos años... sigo con la misma ilusión y amor con el que empece esta aventura :)
