Wednesday, October 05, 2011


Yes, those are socks on her hands.

As the weather gets cooler, we realize we lack a few things to keep Emma warm, including covers for her hands, which she refuses to keep tucked in when we swaddle her. So we've had to improvise in the meantime, using little socks to cover her hands.

A few accomplishments during the past few days:

- Some sweet and toothless smiles are beginning to show.
- For almost a week now she has been using her cloth diapers.
- We went to the public library the other day and checked out a few books. We like to read these in the afternoons if she is not squirming too much. They are in English, but I comment in Spanish, in addition to translating a few words.


  1. what a darling picture.
    Memma would like a copy, of course!

  2. We had the opposite, wouldn't quite call it a problem, but Anne suddenly decided that she loved socks on her hands about the time she started walking, so she could get the first one on, then come to you asking for help with the second.

  3. Cute! Wow, she is coming in to her 'own' with those chubby cheeks and legs. It's so fun to see her growing. Gemma used socks for mittens all last winter - she had a pair of Smartwool and they actually stayed ON. Worked great!
