Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Little Miss Fussy

I'd read that babies get fussier and fussier as the weeks go by, up until week six. She is still not obnoxiously fussy, but she has recently taken for making grunts and noises when placed in her bassinet to sleep.

Needless to say, it makes it hard to sleep right next to her. I am hoping that the crib will be finished this week so we can move her to her room sooner than later. She is just too noisy!

Last night was a rough night with her. She was fussy and making noises all night long. She woke up to eat one more time than usual, and at one point would not settle down for over two hours (11:30 pm - 2 am). I began to get frustrated and tears almost began to stream down my cheeks. She eventually settled down and I am finally able to get some rest.

Then this morning, the morning of my birthday, I wake up to this:

It's amazing how quickly you can forget long and restless nights like the one I had last night just by waking up next to your little one :)

Byron then left her in bed next to me to snuggle while he ran to Chick-fil-a for some breakfast.


  1. Anonymous11:50 AM

    What a perfect birthday gift!
    Love the pick ribbon, too!

    hugs and wishes for a spectacular day with your clan.

    Aunt Roberta

  2. Sounds like Emma was up at the same time I was pacing around the house with insomnia!
