Friday, August 05, 2011
36 weeks
I am writing this post mostly for myself. I want to place in writing a few things that are going on in my pregnancy so that I can look back to them and remember them.
At 36 weeks pregnant:
* I am not dialated. My doctor said that at this point it's common to be 2 - 3 cm dialated. Having said that, she also mentioned that this does not mean anything. Makes me wonder why they even bother checking this early on.
* My doctor also mentioned that our little girl is sitting very low. She made it sound as if that was a good thing.
* I have officially gained 29 lbs. According to books I've read, you should gain between 25 - 35 lbs total. I am quite proud of myself! :)
* For well over 2 months now, I have been walking for about 1 hour every morning Monday - Friday.
* She is still a very laid back baby in my belly. Her times when she moves around the most are late afternoon right around dinner time. I like to believe it's because she hears her daddy's voice.
* And finally, it's at 36 weeks that B and I believe to have agreed on a name for her. It's still not official, and we want to keep our options open in case another one comes up that we like, but I am pleased to say that at this point in our pregnancy, our little girl only has one possible name.
Lauren, qué emoción haber encontrado el nombre! (al menos que el bebé salga con pene, jejeje). Sigue ponienod posts, todos los días reviso a ver qué escribiste.