Saturday, June 18, 2011


Though most people compliment me when they see me pregnant, my mom's first reaction when she saw me for the first time last week was this: "Loli, you are so fat and huge!" Me: *sigh*

The funny thing is that every day (or every few hours), my mom will forget I am pregnant. So I'll walk into the room where she is at and she'll smile and say: "Oh Loli, I forgot you were pregnant!"

My mom has decided that she wants our little girl to call her Oma, which means grandmother in German. And our little girl has really warmed up to her Oma. I think Oma has felt our little princess wiggle and kick more than her own daddy has.

Oma and I have also spent much of our time together in the kitchen this summer. I wonder if our little one will grow to love the kitchen as much as her mommy and Oma do.

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