Friday, June 03, 2011

My teaching days...

Today was the last day i walked into a school as a paid teacher. It's weird to think that four years have gone by since i graduated from college and began to teach. Even though these past four years have met me with more challenges than i would care to number (or share), i still think that there is no other profession i'd rather do than to teach math.

So the question of the hour is -- will you ever go back to teaching? And the answer to that is "yes." Starting January 2012 i will begin doing private tutoring, maybe between 5 - 10 hours a week. Once all of our children are school age i would like to go back into the classroom. I would like to be at a high school or college, teaching upper level math.

Also, part of staying at home to be a mom means that i'll be a teacher to our little girl. I don't want anyone else to raise her. I want to make sure she learns her numbers and colors from me, i want to make sure she learns both English and Spanish, i want to make sure she is read to, and i know that no daycare can do that for me.

Byron claims to have known all of his times tables by the time he started kindergarten. It only makes sense that the daughter of a math teacher mom and a genius dad starts school already knowing her numbers and times tables :p

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