Monday, May 09, 2011

The crib

Our little girl is going to get to use the same crib her Memma used when she was a little girl and the same crib her daddy used when he would spend the night at his Grandmother's house. The crib our little girl is going to get to use is about 60 years old and has been passed down to us by B's grandmother.

The catch? It has 4 coats of paint!

Even though my sister-in-law has offered us the crib she used with her children, i would really like to use this particular crib. So my loving husband has agreed to spend countless hours (and a little more money than i had hoped for) to get this crib to look exactly like i want (natural wood color).

B began to work on it this past Saturday. After about 4 hours of intense work, this is how far he had gotten:

As you can tell, not very far. B then went to Lowe's a SECOND time, got some stronger stuff, and was able to get this far:

I am thankful for my husband who is more than willing to do this silly project that my heart so much desires. I know our little girl will love it :)

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