Friday, April 29, 2011

She moves!

Our little girl moves! At 22 weeks and 3 days, i can now clearly feel her move.

The first time i thought i felt her move was last Tuesday, April 19 during my class at ASU. It was very light and i am not entirely sure if it was even her or my stomach just growling.

Then after that day, when i would remember, i would press my hand against my belly to see if i could feel her. Again, i would feel something, but not entirely sure what it was that i felt.

But then this morning, Friday, April 29 @ 6:05 am, while Kate Middleton was being walked down the aisle by her father (yes, i watched the royal wedding), our little girl made herself clearly present.

This is the best way i can describe her movement: it feels like a very strong heart beat after running or doing intense cardio, only this time it's in your stomach. It took me a while to figure out what it was, so i put my hand on my belly, and she continued doing it. I eventually got out of my seat and woke B up to have him feel her for the first time.

What a fun day! She continued to move all morning long while at school, and then a little again during my last period.

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